Cosmic Newsflash

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Cosmic Newsflash - the ZTF Newsletter

Our newsletters bring you the latest science, operations and public data release news from the Zwicky Transient Facility


Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 16

We welcome our new partners in ZTF-O4, announce changes to the public data releases, share science highlights, our latest vlog and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 15

As ZTF II ended in Sept 2023, this newsletter issue celebrates our team and the fantastic scientific pursuits they embarked on during this phase of the project.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 14

The National Science Foundation approves additional funding for one more year of operations for the Zwicky Transient Facility, DR18 is out, lots of science highlights and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 13

DR17 is out, ZTF continues to add to its list of "first discovery" this time with catching a star devouring its own planet and the detection of the first Type Ia supernova with radio emission and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 12

DR16 is out, science highlights cover everything from asteroids/comets to superluminous supernovae, three new science vlogs, two of our PhD students share how and why they chose astronomy and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 11

In this first issue for 2023, we cover more science news and press releases from the collaboration. Team member Zach Vanderbosch shared how he combines astronomy with climbing and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 10

Two new science vlogs, why PhD student Ana Carracedo traveled from Cordoba to Stockholm, new madatada database released by Caltech IPAC, science highlights and more in issue 10 of Cosmic Newsflash

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 9

Watch Michael Coughlin, lead organizer of the ZTF summer school share a summary, read lots of science highlights and don't forget to check out our How-to guide section

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 8

Along with the usual data release notes and science highlights, in this issue we bring the spotlight to our undergraduate summer students.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 7

This issue is pack full of science highlights, including press releases. Our ZTF Faces bring the spotlight to two PhD students at partner institutions and we share with you exciting outreach news.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 6

Next to the usual information of our data release 10, the science vlogs and the science highlights, we pring the spotlight on our incredible engineering team who make sure we are on sky every night.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 5

Browse through the end of year reflections from team members on how ZTF has pushed science forward, check out our latest science vlog on the first sample of microlensing events discovered by ZTF, access data from DR9 and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 4

New sample of supernovae challenges explosion models and other science highlights, two new science vlogs, notes to the 8th public data release and the usual spotlight on members of the ZTF partnership.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 3

Using large catalogs of supernovae to map the cosmic web and other science highlights, guide to our 7th public data release, resources from our summer school, two new science vlogs and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 2

You can find the guide to our sixth data release, a long-form piece from our Principal Investigator Shri Kulkarni, the usual features of ZTF faces, our latest science vlog and more.

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Cosmic Newsflash | Issue 1

Our fifth public data release is out, science highlights include everything from neutrinos to AI assisted comet discoveries, we feature two team members, hear from scientists who have made discoveries in our survey data and more.

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