ZTF Science Vlog

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Welcome to our Science Vlog

Hear lead authors from the ZTF team present their latest scientific publications.

Automated Supernova Classification

Date: Jan, 2025

In this edition of the ZTF science vlog, Yashvi Sharma, a graduate student at Caltech tells us of the development of CCSNscore - a system that uses machine learning to combine detection & light curve data from the Zwicky Transient Facility with spectral data from the SEDM to predict the type of supernova discovery. Initial results suggest that the system works reliably for the vast majority of data. CCSNscore can enable astronomers to receive classification information in almost real time after spectroscopic observations, enabling rapid discoveries. Such systems are also necessary in the new era of time-domain astronomy when the number of supernova discoveries will increase vastly once the Vera Rubin Observatory begins operations in 2025.

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Deciphering the origin story of supernova SN 2023zaw

Date: Sept,2024

This ZTF science vlog takes you through the solving of a particular cosmic mystery, the explosion of supernovae ZTF2023zaw. In the role of a lead detector, we have the Caltech PhD student Kaustav Das who will show you the steps scientists take to unravel the bits of unknown sprinkled in the universe.

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A new discovery tool for Galactic X-ray sources

Date: May,2024

In this science vlog, PhD student Tony Rodriguez at Caltech presents a new tool for the quick identification of Galactic X-ray sources. The tool combines data from optical surveys such as the Zwicky Transient Facility and X-ray data to identify classes of X-ray galactic objects in our Galaxy. The paper is now published (open access) in the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

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BTSbot - Deep Learning for Automatically Discovering Exploding Stars

Date: April,2024

In this edition of the ZTF science vlog, PhD student Nabeel Rehemtulla from the Northwestern University and his research partner Theophille du Laz at Caltech, tell us about the successful deployment of the BTSbot on ZTF - a deep learning system that autonomously discovers, classifies and reports astronomical transients to the community. BTSbot removes the need for astronomers to spend time going though images to identify potentially interesting candidates for follow up and reduces the time between discovery and classification significantly, allowing astronomers to study transients (especailly supernovae) in their early stages. This should reveal many secrets about the physics of supernovae explosions and much more.

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What early UV light curves reveal about the progenitors of Type II supernovae

Date: Jan, 2024

In our latest ZTF science vlog, we hear from Ido Irani, a PhD student at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel who chased the early UV light from Type II supernovae with the Zwicky Transient Facility and NASA's Swift telescope in space. Ido combined data for 35 supernovae to study the radius of the progenitor stars and compare it with theory.

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Skyportal - one science-discovery platform to connect them all

Date: May,2023

In this edition of the ZTF science vlog, Michael Coughlin (an assistant prof at the UMN, USA) talks about a paper describing Skyportal - an astronomy open-source platform designed to efficiently discover interesting transients, manage follow-up, perform characterization, and visualize the results, all in one application. Skyportal has been used by the ZTF community for years as its main discovery platform and its scalability make it a unique asset in the Very C. Rubin observatory era.

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Are collapsars sites of heavy element production?

Date: March, 2023

PhD student Shreya Anand (Caltech) describes a systematic study of a set of supernovae associated with collapsars - stars that have died due to gravitational collapse turning into a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. The lightcurve analysis shows no compelling evidence that these types of stars can be a production site of heavy elements

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HAFFET - a new tool for model vs data comparison for large supernova datasets

Date: March, 2023

Sheng Yang, a PhD student at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, presents a new Python-based software package that allows users to work with supernova datasets from any open survey and make a statistically consistent comparison between models and data. This tool will become increasingly important in the era of Vera Rubin LSST survey.

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A ZTF sample of low-mass supernovae and what it reveals about the mysterious fate of these stars

Date: Nov, 2022

The next issue of our science vlog brings you Kaustav Das, a PhD student at Caltech whose latest paper describes the analysis of a sample of strongly-stripped Calcium-rich Type IIb Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility. The fate of such low-mass stars in still a mystery and growing samples such as this one can reveal more about how these stars die and what they turn into.

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A rare supernova SN 2022oqm blasts out fast material a few weeks before explosion

Date: Oct, 2022

In this science vlog, Ido Irani from the Weizmann Institute of Science gives us an excellent summary of a peculiar Type Ic supernova SN2020oqm. Discovered less than a day from explosion, it reveals a fast moving C/O circumstellar material and a Ca-rich late light curve.

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Is SN2020jgb supernova holding the key to understanding these cosmic candles?

Date: Sept, 2022

In the next ZTF science vlog, Chang Liu from the Northwestern University walks us through the discovery of a peculiar Type Ia supernova, dubbed SN2020jgb. While a detonation of a thin helium shell on a white dwarf is believe to be a plausible mechanism for these supernovae, variations in the size/mass of the white dwarf and the helium shell may explain some of the peculiar supernovae observed lately. The analysis reveals SN2020jgb as a thick helium double detonation supernovae and it's the first such object discovered in a start forming galaxy.

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Lessons from the ZTF neutrino multi-messenger campaign

Date: Jun, 2022

In this science vlog, Robert Stein (Caltech) shares exciting results from the first 24 neutrino followup campaigns with ZTF. These include the first association of a high energy neutrino with a tidal disruption event (published in Feb 2021 in Nature Astronomy) and another fresh paper published in June 2022 in the Physical Review Letters describing a second association.

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Supernova Siblings in the Zwicky Transient Facility Survey

Date: March, 2022

Melissa Graham from the University of Washington, Seattle has sieved through ZTF data in search of supernova siblings - two or more supernovae in the same parent galaxy. The analysis of her sample confirms known facts about these objects and yields new surpises as well.

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ZTF captures the lastest sample of the brightest supernovae

Date: March, 2022

In this vlog, PhD student Zhihao Chen presents the largest sample of superluminous supernovae. A comprehensive lightcurve analysis sheds more light on the mechanisms that fuel these super bright cosmic flares.

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How ZTF Type Ia supernova sample can advance cosmology

Date: Jan, 2022

Suhail Dhawan from Cambridge University in the UK, summarizes his latest study on how the current and growing sample of Type Ia supernovae discovered by ZTF can answer important questions in precision cosmology. Early phase sampling , large statistics with a single system and a uniformly observed all-sky Hubble flow sample offer tantalizing opportunities to improve our cosmology models.

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Discovering microlensing events with the ZTF

Date: Dec, 2021

Tony Rodriguez, a PhD student at Caltech talks about his recent work on discovering of microlensing events in the ZTF public survey data and using these discoveries to ultimately detect and study "dark objects" in the universe such as free floating planets, brown dwarfs, and elusive stellar mass black holes.

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Discovery of a stellar mass black hole candidate

Date: Nov, 2021

Originally first discovered in X-ray, black hole binaries can now be discovered directly in optical thanks to wide-field optical surveys such as the ZTF. In this science blog, Yuhan Yao, a PhD student at Caltech shares the discovery of AT2019wey, a candidate black hole binary and the follow up multiwavelength analysis.

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The faintest of them all

Date: Oct, 2021

Lead author Viraj Karambelkar (PhD student at Caltech) talks about the discovery of SN2021fcg which is the faintest supernova of Type Iax discovered to date. Why and how is this discovery helping us understand the evolution of stars?

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Tracing the cosmic web with supernovae

Date: Sept, 2021

Lead author Eleni Tsaprazi (PhD at the OKC, Sweden) talks about the potential and first result of using large supernovae surveys to explore the large-scale structure of the universe at high redshifts.

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Searching for fast transients in real time

Date: Sept, 2021

Lead author Igor Ansdreoni (UMD/NASA GSFC) and co-author Michael Coughlin (U of Minnesota) present a new pipeline for the search of fast transients in real time and discuss first results during LIGO observing run O3.

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Rapidly Evolving Extragalactic Transients in ZTF

June, 2021

Anna Ho, a Miller postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley shares the three main take aways from her receint publication "The Photometric and Spectroscopic Evolution of Rapidly Evolving Extragalactic Transients in ZTF"

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Near real-time classification of Type Ia supernovae with deep learning algorithms

Date: May, 2021

In this video, lead author Christoffer Fremling (postdoctoral fellow at Caltech) presents his latest work on a deep learning system for automated classifications of Type Ia supernovae. Dubbed SNIascore, the system can classify spectra and report confirmed supernovae to the Transient Name Server almost in real time!

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